Our Activities

Our History
- 1534
Angela Merici(21 March 1474 ? 27 January 1540), an Italian religious educator, founded the Company of St. Ursula in 1535 in Brescia, Italy. From this organization later sprang the monastic Order of Ursulines.
- 1936
Three nuns came to Japan and established places of prayer and learning.
- 1941
Azuma Kindergarten, the first of the Ursuline Schools in Sendai, Japan, was founded.
- 1950
St. Ursula Elementary School was founded.
- 1956
St. Ursula Junior High School for girls was founded.
- 1959
St. Ursula Senior High School for girls was founded.
- 2003
- The two-course system began with one course focusing on academic distinction and the other on athletic and aesthetic excellence.
- 2004
- To improve academic performance, the schools integrated the elementary and junior high curriculums.
- 2005
- The schools began coeducation and were renamed St. Ursula Eichi Elementary and Junior High School and St. Ursula Eichi High School. Eichi, meaning wisdom, was added to represent the strong belief in educational value.
- 2013
A new school building for the elementary and junior high school and the high school was constructed on the high school campus.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”Matthew 7:7-8”
「希望と平和の種を播き育む人」の幸せを獲るために 創立者 聖アンジェラ・メリチ